/*! sprintf.js | Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Alexandru Marasteanu | 3 clause BSD license */(function(e){function r(e){return Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1).toLowerCase()}function i(e,t){for(var n=[];t>0;n[--t]=e);return n.join("")}var t=function(){return t.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])||(t.cache[arguments[0]]=t.parse(arguments[0])),t.format.call(null,t.cache[arguments[0]],arguments)};t.format=function(e,n){var s=1,o=e.length,u="",a,f=[],l,c,h,p,d,v;for(l=0;l>>=0;break;case"x":a=a.toString(16);break;case"X":a=a.toString(16).toUpperCase()}a=/[def]/.test(h[8])&&h[3]&&a>=0?"+"+a:a,d=h[4]?h[4]=="0"?"0":h[4].charAt(1):" ",v=h[6]-String(a).length,p=h[6]?i(d,v):"",f.push(h[5]?a+p:p+a)}}return f.join("")},t.cache={},t.parse=function(e){var t=e,n=[],r=[],i=0;while(t){if((n=/^[^%]+/.exec(t))!==null)r.push(n[0]);else if((n=/^%{2}/.exec(t))!==null)r.push("%");else{if((n=/^%(?:([1-9]\d*)$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(t))===null)throw"[sprintf] huh?";if(n[2]){i|=1;var s=[],o=n[2],u=[];if((u=/^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(o))===null)throw"[sprintf] huh?";s.push(u[1]);while((o=o.substring(u[0].length))!=="")if((u=/^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(o))!==null)s.push(u[1]);else{if((u=/^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(o))===null)throw"[sprintf] huh?";s.push(u[1])}n[2]=s}else i|=2;if(i===3)throw"[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported";r.push(n)}t=t.substring(n[0].length)}return r};var n=function(e,n,r){return r=n.slice(0),r.splice(0,0,e),t.apply(null,r)};e.sprintf=t,e.vsprintf=n})(typeof exports!="undefined"?exports:window); $L = function(){ var rtn = ""; var data = {"mmPricing":"Pricing","mmHelp":"Help","mmCustomize":"Customize","mmTitle":"Title","mmImageId":"Image Id","mmImageDescription":"Description","mmDelete":"Delete","mmSearch":"Search","mmHome":"Home","mmAppTitle":"iAgentWeb","mmAppDesc":"Instant Real Estate Websites","mmProfile":"Profile","mmLogin":"Sign In","mmFreeTrial":"Free Trial","mmLogout":"Sign Out","mmSignUp":"Sign Up","mmUsers":"Users","mmForgotPwd":"Forgot Password","mmReset":"Reset Password","mmAccountSettings":"Account","mmSettings":"Settings","mmLanuage":"Language","mmColors":"Colors","mmSetup":"Setup","mmDomainName":"Domain Name","mmCopyright":"Copyright","mmPrivacyPolicy":"Privacy Policy","mmTermsOfUse":"Terms Of Use","mmToggleNav":"Toggle navigation","mmBillingHistory":"Billing History","mmSite":"Web Site","mmPlugin":"Plugin","mmFacebook":"Facebook","mmStreet":"Street","mmCity":"City","mmState":"State","mmZip":"Zip","mmEdit":"Edit","mmText":"Text","mmImages":"Images","mmSocial":"Social","mmMap":"Map","mmPublish":"Publish","mmOthers":"Others","mmSupport":"Support","mmWebSiteColor":"Website Color","mmMapColor":"Map Color","mmOK":"OK","mmCancel":"Cancel","mmContact":"Contact","mmIDX":"IDX","mmWizard":"Wizard","mmSubscribe":"Subscribe!","mmExpired":"Subscr. Expired","mmDaysLeft":"Trial Days Left","mmSubscriptionDetails":"Your current plan is %s<\/b> with a %s<\/b> billing cycle and will renew on %s<\/b>. To change your plan click on '%s'<\/b> in the main menu above.","mmBadColorValue":"The color value is not valid. Please enter a valid color value.","mmFacebookPageID":"Auth. Page Id","mmInstallApp":"Install App","mmPaageIdSaved":"Facebook App linked successfully!","mmDomainIdSaved":"Authorized Domain saved successfully!","mmGetAPIKey":"Get API Key","mmInstallWpPlugin":"W. Press Plugin Install","mmInstallJqPlugin":"JQuery Plugin Install","mmSetAuthDomain":"Set Authorized Domain","mmAuthorizedDomain":"Authorized Domain","mmAuthDomainLabel":"Enter the domain name where you are hosting your plugin. Only enter the domain name. For example:<\/b> mydomain.com<\/b> is correct but www.mydomain.com<\/b> and http:\/\/www.mydomain.com<\/b> are incorrect.","mmSetDomain":"Set Domain Name","mmWebsiteEdit":"Website","mmPluginEdit":"Plugins","mmFacebookEdit":"Facebook","mmMlsSelect":"Select if your MLS is not on the list and enter it in the box provided below.","mmFileTooBig":"File is too big. Please make sure the file is less than 10 MB.","mmUploadBadFile":"File has invalid format. [%s]","mmNoIDX":"This feature is disabled because you do not have a functional IDX yet.","mmUpload":"By clicking the YES<\/b> button below, you agree and certify that you have the rights to publish and display the image\/content you are uploading and the right to use it in the manner in which it will be used on your website hosted by iAgentWeb. In addition you agree that the image and it's content is not pornographic and you further agree to all of the terms outlined in the ","mmTOS":"Terms of Use Agreement","mmCopyDetails":"The penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties<\/b>. Anyone found guilty of civil copyright infringement can be ordered to pay 'actual'<\/b> damages or 'statutory'<\/b> damages affixed between $750 and $30,000<\/b> per work infringed. For 'willful' infringement, a court may award up to $150,000<\/b> per work infringed. A court may award court costs and attorneys' fees. For more information, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.<\/b>

Willful copyright infringement<\/b> may also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment for up to five years and fines up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office<\/b> at www.copyright.gov<\/a>, especially their FAQ's at www.copyright.gov\/help\/faq<\/a>.","mmSendMessage":"Send Message","mpSignupDisabled":"Signup is disabled for now. Please try again soon.","mpConactMsgError":"Please fill out all fields on the form.","mmPurchaseImageLicense":"The Main Image<\/b> you selected is a Premium Photo<\/b>. You must purchase a license for it before you publish it to your website. Please click on the red [Buy Image License]<\/b> button to purchase the license. Once you have completed the purchase you may proceed with publication.","mmMustBeRegistered":"You must be regitered to purchase an image license.","myLibNoImages":"There are no images in your library yet. Once you upload or purchase one or more images they will be placed here.","asSearch":"Type search phrase...","asImgLicDlgTitle":"Buy Image License","asAgreeImgLic":"Please agree to the Image License terms at the bottom of the form.","asDeleteSelImage":"Are you sure you want to delete the selected image?","asImageDeleted":"Image deleted successfully.","asBadImageDownload":"There was an error downloading the image license. Please contact support.","asWait":"This may take a few miniutes. Please do not take any actions on the browser until the transaction is complete.","asImgIsPrem":"This is a premium image. It cannot be deleted from the library.","sSupportMsgPhone":" You may contact support by phone at: %s<\/b> or by email below:","mpHeader_01":"Simple, Professional and Responsive. Your own Real Estate website with IDX in a few clicks...","mpTryForFree":"Try It Free!","mpSubHeader_01":"Get a premium, lead capture website with integrated IDX - MLS Search features and tools for today's real estate professional at an unbeatable price.","mpSubHeader_011":"Most of today's home buyers and sellers are starting their searches for a home online!<\/b> Tech-savvy agents know the best way to reach them is through a modern and professional lead capture website, designed specifically to increase traffic, brand awareness and position you as the leading agent in your market!","mpSubHeader_012":"Customize your site to reflect your personality and brand. Choose from thousands of stock images, colors and styles for your maps and site. Add logos, add and change content and select from hundreds of different customizable options.","mpSubHeader_013":"Create a new real estate website in minutes! Just click on the \u201cFree Trial\u201d button to get started. If you need assistance just call or email us and one of our friendly customer support agents will be happy to assist you.","mpSubHeader_014":"Add a professional IDX Search to your site with customizable maps. Data updated every 15 minutes to keep your listings up to date all the time. Feature rich details for every property in your MLS including automatic translation to many languages, allowing international customers to access and understand your listings.","mpSubHeader_015":"Support for social media sharing of property listings with just one click on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, SMS and e-mail. Your listings will get broad exposure just from this feature alone.","mpHeader_02":"Use our WordPress or JQuery IDX Map Search Plugins to add MLS search capabilities to your existing website.","mpSubHeader_02":"Plug and play! Easy to integrate into your existing website. Just add the plugin to your site and have a fully functioning IDX website like the pros in minutes. Try it now!","mpHeader_03":"Get powerful social media exposure with our Facebook App! Easy to install with just a few clicks. ","mpSubHeader_03":"Allow your customers to search for properties right on your Facebook Business page! They can save properties to favorites, share properties on Facebook and Google+ and even send you a list of properties they are interested in.","mpBasic":"Basic","mpPremium":"Premium","mpAdditional":"Additional","mpBasicDemo":"Basic Demo","mpPremiumDemo":"Premium Demo","mpFacebookDemo":"Facebook Demo","mpBasic1":"Basic Website:<\/b>","mpBasic2":"Responsive Website","mpBasic3":"Works on all devices","mpBasic4":"Free Hosting","mpBasic5":"Free Domain Transfer","mpBasic6":"Customize Colors","mpBasic7":"Customize Maps","mpBasic8":"Auto Language Detect","mpPremium1":"Basic Website Plus:<\/b>","mpPremium2":"","mpPremium3":"IDX Property Search","mpPremium4":"Or<\/b>","mpPremium5":"IDX Map Plugin","mpPremium6":"Or<\/b>","mpPremium7":"Facebook App","mpAdditional1":"Add Extra Features:<\/b>","mpAdditional2":"","mpAdditional3":"IDX Property Search","mpAdditional4":"And\/Or<\/b>","mpAdditional5":"IDX Map Plugin","mpAdditional6":"And\/Or<\/b>","mpAdditional7":"Facebook App","mpAdditionalMisc":"Additional features can be added to premium subscription only.","mpHeader_04":"Have questions or need help? Use the form below to contact us and one of our support agents will promptly provide you with the help you need.","mpConactMsgSuccess":"Thanks for your inquiry. We will be in contact with you ASAP!","cfTitle":"Contact Form","cfName":"Name","cfEmail":"Email","cfSubject":"Subject","cfMessage":"Message","cfNameY":"Your Name","cfEmailY":"Your Email","cfSubjectY":"Subject Message","cfMessageY":"Your message...","myAddress":"Website Address","myAddressRequired":"Website address required.","myTitle":"Website Title","myContactName":"Contact Name","myContactTel":"Contact Phone","myContactEmail":"Contact Email","myMlsLink":"MLS Link","myMlsLogo":"MLS Logo","myBrokerLink":"Broker Link","myBrokerLogo":"Broker Logo","myFacebookLink":"Facebook Link","myTwitterLink":"Twitter Link","myLinkedinLink":"LinkedIn Link","myGooglePlusLink":"Google+ Link","myBackGroundImage":"Main Image","myProfileImage":"Profile Image","myAboutText":"About Text","myFeaturedListings":"Featured Listings","myStyleSite":"Web Site Style","myStyleApp":"Web App Style","myStyleMap":"Map Style","myMlsConfig":"MLS","myCfgSearchMenu":"Search Menu","myCfgSaleRent":"Sale\/Rent","myPropertyType":"Property Type","myPriceMin":"Price Min","myPriceMax":"Price Max","myCfgLanguages":"Languages","myCfgDefLanguage":"Default Language","myCfgAgentLanguage":"Agent Language","myCfgLatLng":"Map Center","myCfgZoom":"Default Map Zoom","mySaveData":"Save","myResetData":"Reset","mySaveChanges":"Save changes to current field?","myPublishChangesSite":"This will copy the latest changes to your live site. Are you sure you want to publish these changes?","myPublishChangesPlugin":"This will copy the latest changes to your live plugin. Are you sure you want to publish these changes?","myPublishChangesFacebook":"This will copy the latest changes to your live Facebook App page. Are you sure you want to publish these changes?","myResetChangesSite":"Resetting will clear all the changes you have made to the website since the last time you published. Are you sure you want to reset?","myResetChangesPlugin":"Resetting will clear all the changes you have made to the plugin since the last time you published. Are you sure you want to reset?","myResetChangesFacebook":"Resetting will clear all the changes you have made to the Facebook app since the last time you published. Are you sure you want to reset?","myStockBkgs":"Stock Images","myLinkDlgTitle":"Image Link","myLogoLink":"Logo Link\/Url - (Optional) Please enter a URL that will link this item to its corresponding web page.","myDeleteLogo":"Are you sure you want to delete this logo?","myDeleteLink":"Are you sure you want to delete this link?","myFListings":"Please enter either a City (e.g. Miami)<\/b>, a comma separated list of Zip Codes (e.g. 33129,33130)<\/b> or a comma separated list of MLS Id's (e.g. A1002367, A4507890)<\/b> for properties you would like to feature on your main page.","myFListingsEx":"Use the settings below to narrow your search.","myMaxListings":"Max Listings","myParamsSaved":"Website changes saved.","myPreview":"View Website Live","myParamsPublished":"Website changes published. Click '%s' to see changes live.","myPreviewPlugin":"View Plugin Live","myParamsPublishedPlugin":"Plugin changes published. Go to your plugin's web page to see changes live.","myPreviewFacebook":"View App Live","myParamsPublishedFacebook":"Facebook App changes published. Go to your app's web page to see changes live.","myAccountExpired":"Your subscription has expired.<\/b> Your Website or Plugin<\/b> is no longer visible or functional. Please renew your subscription to re-activate your services.","myNoIDXWebsite":"You have not subscribed to the IDX features for the website. Therefore you will not have these features enabled on your live site. In order to enable the IDX features for the website you must upgrade your subscription. Click OK to view your website live.<\/b>","myNoIDXVerified":"Your AGENT ID has not been verified. Therefore you do not have the IDX features enabled on your live site as of yet. Verification should take no more than 24 hours. Click OK to view your website live.<\/b>","myMaxMin":"Max price must be greater than Min price.","mySectionTitle":"Section Heading","myHeading":"Suggested Properties","mmFacebookSetup":"Facebook Setup","myLicPurchased":"Image license payment complete for image: [%s].","myLicenseAlreadyPurchased":"License for this image has already been purchased.","liLogin":"Sign In","liEmail":"Email","liPassword":"Password","liNoAccount":"Don't have an account yet?","liSignup":"Sign Up","liSignInWith":"Sign in with %s","liNotVerified":"%s account must be verified first.","liLoginSuccess":"You have successfully signed in.","liLoginSuccessWith":"You have successfully signed in with %s.","liBadLogin":"Bad User Name or Password. Please try again.","liTooManyLogins":"Too many failed Sign Ins! Please try again later.","liAccountAlreadyLinked":"This %s account is already linked to another user.","liNoEmail":"Access to %s email address is required.","liVerifyAccount":"You cannot use your %s account to sign in until you verify it.","liSocialEmailRequire":"We need your %s email address in order to authenticate your account.","loLoggedOut":"You have signed out successfully.","loLoggedOutConfirmTitle":"Confirm Sign Out","loLoggedOutConfirm":"Are you sure you want to Sign Out?","wWizard":"Setup Wizard","wBegin":"Begin","wNext":"Next","wBack":"Back","wFinish":"Finish","wPay":"Pay","wExit":"Exit","wWelcomeMsg":"Welcome to the setup wizard!<\/b> This wizard will take only one minute<\/b> to complete. You will be prompted for 2 required fields and 6 optional fields<\/b>. Once you have completed the wizard your website will be ready for use and you may proceed to customize it to suit your needs. Please click the begin button to start the wizard.<\/b>","wUrl":"Website URL","wUrlBad":"This address is already in use.","wUrlBlank":"The address cannot be blank.","wUrlLen":"The address must be at least three characters.","wUrlMsg":"Please select a name<\/b> to be used for your website's address. This will be the address your customers will use visit website. Only letters and numbers are allowed.<\/b> If you have your own domain name you will be able to point it here after you create your account.","wMLS":"IDX MLS","wMLSMsg":"Please select the MLS<\/b> you would like to use. This will be the service that will be used to perform searches and display property information on your website's IDX, Map and Featured Listings<\/b> services. If your MLS is not listed<\/b> please select 'Other MLS<\/b>' from the list below and enter the name in the text box provided.
","wPhone":"Contact Phone","wPhoneMsg":"Please enter the contact phone number<\/b> you would like to display on your website. This will be the phone number that visitors to your site will use to contact you. This field is optional.<\/b> If you leave it blank no phone number will be displayed on the website.

","wEMail":"Contact E-Mail","wEMailMsg":"Please enter the contact email<\/b> you would like to display on your website. This will be the e-mail that visitors to your site will use to contact you. This field is optional.<\/b> If you leave it blank no e-mail address will be displayed on the website.

","wStreet":"Office Street","wStreetMsg":"Please enter the street part of your address<\/b> you would like to display on your website. This will be the first part of your address minus the city, state, zip. This field is optional.<\/b> If you leave it blank no street address will be displayed on the website.

","wCity":"City","wCityMsg":"Please enter the city part of your address<\/b> you would like to display on your website. This will be the city part of your address only. This field is optional.<\/b> If you leave it blank no city will be displayed on the website.

","wState":"State","wStateMsg":"Please enter the state part of your address<\/b> you would like to display on your website. This will be the state part of your address only. This field is optional.<\/b> If you leave it blank no state will be displayed on the website.

","wZip":"Zip","wZipMsg":"Please enter the zip part of your address<\/b> you would like to display on your website. This will be the zip part of your address only. This field is optional.<\/b> If you leave it blank no zip will be displayed on the website.

","wyParamsSaved":"Wizard information saved successfully.","fbSetup_01":"","bhHeader":"Below is a list of all the transactions associated with this account.<\/b>","bbCredit":"You have a credit of","bfirst_name":"First Name","blast_name":"Last Name","baddress":"Address","bcity":"City","bstate":"State","bzip":"Zip","bphone":"Phone","bemail":"Email","bBillingCycle":"Billing Cycle","bSubcriptionPlan":"Subscription Plan","bImageLicensePurchase":"Image License Purchase","bMonthly":"Monthly","bYearlyShort":"Yearly","bYearly":"Yearly (saves you 15%)","bAgent_id":"Agent ID","bExpirationDate":"Expiration Date","bConfirmBilling":"Welcome to the subscription wizard. Whether you are subscribing for the first time or upgrading your subscription the wizard will handle your purchase smoothly and apply any credits properly before charging your card. Please start by entering your billing information.<\/b>","bSelectOption":"Please Confirm the package you want to purchase. You can choose monthly or annually.\r\nChoosing yearly, gives you an additional 15% savings! <\/b>","bProivedCreditCard":"Please provide your credit card information.<\/b>","bConfirmBillingImg":"Welcome to the image license wizard. The price for your image license is $%s<\/b>. The license is a one time fee. Once you purchase a license for this image you will have a Royalty Free license to us this image as described in the %s. The wizard will handle your image license purchase smoothly and apply any credits properly before charging your card. Please start by entering your billing information.<\/b>","bBasicPlanShort":"Basic Website","bIdxPlanShort":"Enhanced IDX Features","bIdxOptions":"Enhanced IDX Options: <\/b> You may select any or all options. The first option is $%s<\/b> and additional options are $%s<\/b> each.","bBasicPlan":"Basic Website - $%s\/Month<\/b>","bIdxPlan":"Enhanced IDX Features - $%s\/Month<\/b>","bWebsiteMap":"Website IDX","bPluginMap":"Plugin IDX","bSocialMap":"Facebook App IDX","bTrial":"trial","bPeriod":"period","bBasic":"Basic","bIDX":"IDX(%s)","bImgLic":"Img License","bIdxCharges":"Based on your selection you will be billed $%s<\/b> on a %s<\/b> basis.","bCompleteTransaction":"You will not be charged until the current %s is completed but you must complete the transaction to the end in order to update your subscription.","bIdxChargesCredit":"Based on your previous subscription you have a credit of $%s<\/b> and will be billed $%s<\/b> today. Subsequent renewals will be billed at $%s<\/b> on a %s<\/b> basis.","bIdxChargesCreditEx":"Based on your previous subscription you have a credit of $%s<\/b> and will be billed $%s<\/b> today. Subsequent renewals will be billed at $%s<\/b> (or less based on credit amount remaining) on a %s<\/b> basis.","bSubscriptionPaid":"Your current subscription is paid up until %s<\/b>. Subsequent renewals will be billed at $%s<\/b> on a %s<\/b> basis. Your next bill will be processed on %s. %s<\/b>","bCardNumber":"Card Number","bCardNumberRequired":"Card Number Required","bCardNumberNotValid":"Invalid Card Number","bCardType":"Card Type","bCardTypeRequired":"Card Type Required","bExpDate":"Expiration Date","bExpDateRequired":"Expiration Date Required","bExpiredDate":"Card is expired.","bSecCode":"Security Code","bSecCodeRequired":"Security Code Required","bConfirmInfo":"Please review your information and make sure it is correct then click the 'Finish' button to complete your transaction.<\/b>","bInformation":"Billing Information","bCreditCardInformation":"Credit Card Information","bTOSAgree":"I Agree to the","bTOS":"Terms of Use","bPP":"Privacy Policy","bImageLic":"Image License","bTOSCheck":"* You must agree to the Terms of Use.","bAgreeTOS":"Please agree to the Terms of Use at the bottom of the form.","bBadCard":"Credit Card processing failed. Please verify your card information. If the problem persists please contact customer service.","bCardGood":"Payment Complete. Your subscription has been activated.","bUpdated":"Subscription Updated. You will not be charged until %s.","bMlsIdNotConfirmed":"Your plan has been updated to use the IDX features. Since your MLS Membership has not been verified, you will only be able to use the IDX features within your account. Once you have been verified the IDX features will also be available on your public website. Please allow 24 hours for verification to be completed.","bMakeSelection":"Please make a selection...","bNoMLS":"No MLS","bOtherMLS":"Other MLS","mMLSRequired":"Enter MLS name","pProfile":"Profile","pEditMyProfile":"Edit My Profile","pProfilePicture":"Profile Picture","pDisplayName":"Display Name","pEmailAddress":"Email Address","pUpdateInformation":"Update Information","pAccounts":"Accounts","pLinkedAccounts":"Linked Accounts","pUnLinkAccount":"Unlink %s Account","pLinkAccount":"Link %s Account","apProfile":"Profile","apProfileSaved":"Profile Saved.","apLogOut":"Password has changed. Please sign back in with your new password.","apUnLinkAccount":"Unlink %s Account","apLinkAccount":"Link %s Account","apLinkSuccessWith":"You have successfully linked your account with %s.","apUnLinkSuccessWith":"You have unlinked your account from %s.","apAPIInfo":"You API Key is: %s<\/b>","dnUpdated":"The domain name %s has been activated. Please remember to update your DNS server settings to NS1.VULTR.COM, NS2.VULTR.COM.","dnUrlDup":"This domain name is in use by another account. If you believe this is an error please contact customer support.","mmWebsite":"Your website can be accessed by the following URL: %s<\/b>","mmWebsites":"Your website can be accessed by the following URLs: %s<\/b> or %s<\/b>","mmSiteUrlInstructions":"If you have a domain name you would like to point to your site, please type it in above. Only enter the domain name for example mydomain.com<\/b> is correct. www.mydomain.com<\/b> is incorrect. If you don't have a domain name or to remove a domain name just leave this field blank. You will always be able to access your site through %s<\/b>.","mmSiteNameServers":"Don't forget<\/b> to change your name servers to NS1.VULTR.COM<\/b> and NS2.VULTR.COM<\/b> This must be done by or at the website where you registered your domain name. After completion please allow a few hours for the changes to take effect.","uUsers":"Users","uList":"Users List","uNewUser":"New","uAddEdit":"Add\/Edit User","uSaveUser":"Save Changes","uFirstName":"First Name","uLastName":"Last Name","uTelephone":"Telephone","uPassword":"Password","uPermissions":"Permissions","uConfirmPassword":"Confirm Password","uAgentIDRequired":"Agent ID required","uPermAdmin":"Admin","uPermUsers":"Users","uPermAgent":"Agent","uCancel":"Cancel","uFNameRequired":"First Name required.","uLNameRequired":"Last Name required.","uAddressRequired":"Address required.","uCityRequired":"City required.","uStateRequired":"State required.","uZipRequired":"Zip required.","uPhoneRequired":"Phone required.","uEmailRequired":"E-Mail required.","uEmailNotValid":"E-Mail is not valid.","uPasswordRequired":"Password required.","uCantDisableSelf":"You cannot disable the account you are signed in with. Please sign in with a different account.","uDisableConfirm":"Confirm disable account for %s<\/b>","uEnableConfirm":"Confirm enable account for %s<\/b>","uUserExists":"A user with that email already exists. Please use another email.","suName":"First and Last Name","suEmail":"Email","suPassword":"Password","suConfirmPassword":"Confirm Password","suSignup":"Sign Up","suFreeTrialSignup":"Sign Up","suEnterNasme":"You must enter your name.","suEmailRequired":"Your email address is required.","suEmailInvalid":"Your email address is invalid.","suPasswordRequired":"Password is required.","suPasswordMustMatch":"Passwords must match.","suAgreeTo":"By clicking on Sign up, you agree to","suTerms":"terms of use","suAnd":"and","suPrivacyPolicy":"privacy policy","suHaveAccount":"Already have an account?","suLoginNow":"Sign in now","suLength":"Must be 6 to 18 chars.","suLowerCase":"Requires 1 or more lower case chars.","suUpperCase":"Requires 1 or more upper case.","suNumbers":"Requires 1 or more numbers.","suLetters":"Requires 1 or more letters.","suSymbols":"Requires 1 or more symbols e.g. (#$@).","suErrUser":"Error creating new user for: %s. Please try again.","suSuccessUser":"You have successfully created a new account. Please sign in...","suUserExists":"An account for %s already exists.","suForgotPassword":"Forgot Password?","sutypchars":"Type the characters above...","suErrCaptcha":"Please enter the code above.","suCaptchaCodeBad":"Captcha code did not match. Please try again.","suOr":"Or","fpForgotPwd":"Forgot Password?","fpHeading":"Type in your Email address so we can send you a link to reset your password.","fpBackToSignIn":"Back to Sign In","fpResetPassword":"Reset Password","fpBadEmail":"Email address was not found.","fpResetSent":"An email with a link to reset your password has been sent to: %s<\/b>.","rpResetPwd":"Reset Password","rpHeading":"Type in your password. Password must be 6 to 18 chars long and have at least one upper case letter and at least one number.","rpPasswordSaved":"Password changed. Click OK to Sign In.","rpBadLink":"Bad password reset link.","brw_01":"Did you know this version of your browser does not support some advanced features used by %s?","brw_02":"To get the best experience using %s we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of your browser. Below is a list of the most popular browsers.","brw_03":"Just click on one of the icons below to go to that browsers download page.","brw_04":"Or click here to continue without upgrading.","brw_lstorage":"Error Logging In:<\/b> It seems your browser is in 'Private Mode'<\/b>. Please disable 'Private Mode'<\/b> and restart your browser, if the problem persists please upgrade to the latest version of your browser.","seesionTimeout":"You have been idle for too long. You have been logged out for security reasons."} if(arguments.length==0) rtn = data; if(arguments.length==1) rtn = data[arguments[0]]; if(arguments.length>1){ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); rtn = vsprintf(data[args[0]],args.slice(1)); } return rtn; };